
We combine skills from investor relations, media, marketing, law, risk management, acting, communications and technology.

Positioning and Reputation Management

Mission: We measurably enhance the company’s reputation by positioning the members of the Executive Board. The process contains three steps: assess, advise, activate. Like in professional sports.

What is …

Positioning: the front side of your T-Shirt. The side that you can control. It describes your positioning in a maximum of eight words.

Reputation: the back side of your T-Shirt. What people talk behind you back. Typically two words. You have a reputation for ….?


Target Group: We routinely work with CEOs and their leadership teams, servicing a powerful network of business leaders and academics.

Industry Focus: Technology, Finance, E-mobility, Carbon Capture.

Markets Served: U.S., Central Europe.

Founded: In 2006 by Susanne Mueller Zantop and Nadia Belatrache




AMAG Group | Autoneum | Axpo Services | Avaloq | BT British Telecom | Cisco Systems | Climeworks | Dell/EMC | EMPA | Deutsche Messe | Deutsche Telekom | Lufthansa | Microsoft U.S.A. | Swisscom | Swissgrid | VDI Technologiezentrum | WorldQuant LLC | Vodafone UK


Berner Kantonalbank | Cembra Money Bank | Deutsche Börse | Helvetia Group pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank |Raiffeisen Schweiz | Zürcher Kantonalbank


EY Ernst & Young | Lee Hecht Harrison | Lufthansa | Manor | PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers | UZH University of Zurich |


Abolhassan, Dr. Ferri | Agarwal, Rohit | Alder, Stefan | Al-Haij, Zeina | An de Meulen, Helmut | Arndt, Andreas | Apotheker, Léo | Asavathiratham, Chalee | Bagnoli, Philip | Bächli, Hansueli|Baltisberger, Stefan| Ban, Linda | Barbosa, Luis | Barrett, Craig | Beck, Thomas | Berg, Achim | Berger, Joel | Better, Manuela | Baumann, Otto | Biedermann, Dominique | Bieler, Dan | Biller, Sarah | Blum, Lenore | Boerries, Marco | Bohnet, Iris | Bonn, Heinz Paul | Book, Thomas | Brooks, Simon | Brown, Frank, J. | Brugger, Ernst  | Brunner, Benno | Bui, Crispin | Büttner, Armin | Carletti, Marc | Carr, Peter | Caselitz, Christoph | Cemerlic, Alma | Chilton, Bart | Clement, Wolfgang  | Cohen, Michelle | Crump, Blair | Duhoon, Prakarsh | Dunne, Dana | Danielsohn-Weil, Petra | Damodaran, Ramu | Danuser, Hanspeter | Decyk, Roxanne | De Maeseneire, Patrick | De Wolff, Angela | Del Degan, Juliska | Diamond, Stuart | Dietl, Christian | Dirks, Thorsten | Drüner, Marc | Donchev, Veliko | Dupire, Bruno | Dutronc, Perrine | Durchslag, Scott A. | Dyson, Esther | Evenett, Simon J. | Farkas, Marton | Fernandez, Francisco | Fichtner, Johann | Flückiger, Reto | Fox, Michael | Fränkl, Charles | Frutig, Daniel | Gabler, Mathias | Gaillard, Daniel | Gangaputra, Sachin | Gebald, Christoph | Geldmacher, Jan | Gessinger, Rudolf | Gil, Ori | Gilbert, Andrew | Gosalvez, Julie | Graf, Dino | Graf, Pierre-Alain | Grande, Fabian | Grau, Sandra | Grauer, Bodo | Greweldinger, Martin |Griffin, Paul | Groth, Arndt | Gruchow, Andreas | Gross-Selbeck, Stefan | Hannesbo, Morten | Hansen, Wolf Rüdiger | Hartmann, Mathias | Hauck, Wilfried | Heer, Lorenz | Heij, Peter | Henseler-Unger, Iris | Hermann, Jürgen | Hermann, Sascha | Hickox, Winston | Hirshberg, Peter | Hoang, Cong | Hoffmann, Reid | Hopfgartner, Jürgen | Huber, Martin | Humm, Philipp | Hünziker, Jürg | Ingari, Frank | Jääma, Jukka | Jacquet-Lagreze, Thibaut | Jaeger, Franz | Jermann, Dieter | Jetter, Martin | Joga, Jesus | Johansson, Bjørn | Joussen, Friedrich | Kalter, Alan | Kagermann, Henning | Karius, Oliver | Kaspersky, Eugene | Kelly, George W. | Kempf, Dieter | Kesselmeyer, Bodo | Kielgas, Sven | Kinne, Martin | Kircher, Herbert | Knorren, Roland | Koentgen, Thomas | Koh, Geoffrey | Kohler, Markus |Koll, Thomas U. | Koller, Werner | Krumm, Torsten | Krümmer, Stephan| Kwon, Olivia | Lauprete, Geoffrey | Leitz, Christian | Lelicova, Lenka | Lereuth, Karsten | Loacker, Stefan | Lovell, Jim | Koppitz, Rainer | Maini, Nitish | Maradei, Brunno | Maricza, Istvan | Magda, Beverly | Marmolejo, Francisco | Mani, Nitish | Martin, Edward | Martin, Claude | McCabe, Kathy | McChrystal, Stan | McCue, Sarah | Meineke, Christoph | Melvin, Colin | Meyer, Christopher | Mueller, Nils | Noser, Ruedi | Oeberg, Stefan | Ochoa, Mel | Milani, Oliviero | Mora, Peter | Nägeli, Isabelle | Neff, Damien | Nenkov, Stelian | Neuhaus, Guido | Nocito, Carlos | Oosterom, Richard | Ortlepp, Michael | Pacey, Dean | Pahlke, Michael | Peltz, Michael | Pinna, Andrea | Prentice, Steve | Protopapa, Sergio | Poetzl, Georg | Patil, Sukanya | Peltz, Michael | Poettering, Hans-Gert | Poppinga, Hartmut | Powell, Colin | Pukall, Britta | Rabinowitz, Robert | Ramin, Kurt | Raschle, Lukas | Raue, Ernst | Rao, Suman | Reed, Zak | Reymond, Réne | Riecke, Markus | Ricks, Tom | Ringger, Reto | Rink, Anthony | Rose, Michael  | Rosenberger, Frank | Rossi, Adriano | Rousseaux, Clemence | Ruhl, Helmut | Rukshin, David | Runnals, David | Sasirajpornchai, Ramestr | Schädler, Karl | Scharrer, Otmar | Schäuble, Wolfgang | Scheer, August-Wilhelm | Schiessl, Johann-Christian | Schenk, Karl | Schlobohm, Bernd | Schmiegelow, Axel | Shrier, David | Shocair, Nadahl | Schmid, Peter | Schneider, Thomas | Schoder, Detlef | Schuppisser, Santiago | Schwager, Sandro | Seiz, Gabriela | Shkolnikova, Ekaterina | Shields, Mark | Sideco, Francis | Simmen, Patric | Smid, Volker  | Schindler, Richard |Spelman, Matt | Spreitzer, Thomas | Stavridis, James | Stern, Herman | Steiner, Achim | Soltermann, Bernhard | Steinemann, Juergen | Streibich, Karl-Heinz | Struchen, Beat | Sullivan, JF | Swantee, Olaf | Szerdahelyi, Imre | Takai, Teri | Tanner, Ida | Tengler, Marcus | Tett, Gillian | Thomsen, Lars | Thanh, Binh | Thrun, Sebastian| Tulchinsky, Igor | Tydeman, Justin | Unger, Christian | Upton, Jordana | Vasella, Daniel | Verwaayen, Ben | Vesper, Martin | Viljak, Pekka | Vogels, Werner | Voncina, Libor | Von Zitzewitz, Friedrich | Wiandt, Axel | Walker, Oliver | Weber, Sarik | Weaver, Phil | Weinrauch, Günter | Wennemer, Manfred | West, Jeffrey | Wetzel, Philipp | Wolford, Susan | Wu, ChiaHsin | Wurzbacher, Jan | Zehnder, Alexander | Zimmermann, J.B. | Zollinger, Gery | Zuber, Andreas | Zwyssig, Martin

Press Coverage

Scientific Background

Our work is based on four theoretical pillars:

1. Systems Theory

A computer scientist by training, Susanne was fascinated early-on with research in systems theory (system dynamics, industrial dynamics) by J.W. Forrester, Joseph Weizenbaum and Gerhard Niemeyer, her professor in Regensburg. Her first essay in 1979 was entitled: “The Manager as Regulator/Stabilizer” – It was about the difference between regulating and directing a system. She was impressed with simulation and object orientation. Times have passed, yet the love for all things digital remain.

2. Linguistics

Susanne’s second education was in linguistics. She learned about the importance of a single phrase or character, and also how context determines the interpretation of almost everything. Her diploma thesis was on automatic error correction – how to find errors without a dictionary – through logic only. Important theorists that have influenced her thinking: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Noam Chomsky, Benjamin Whorf and Gregory Bateson. Her writing was highly influenced by Wolf Schneider.

3. Systemic organizational theory

Apart from the business fundamentals from MBA classes, we have found the best approach to organizational dynamics in the works of Matthias Varga von Kibéd and Insa Sparrer. Their working model is called “Tetralemma”-work and we adopted it to to support top managers interacting with their stakeholders (see below). The “St.Galler Management model” was helpful to integrate these theories into our work too.

4. Body psychotherapy

Our fourth pillar is body psychotherapy. As a sports person Susanne always felt that we all bring our bodies into the work place. She is particularly happy to see that the video revolution and the transparency of the Internet has brought this into the foreground. Our education here is based on the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, Paul Watzlawick, Boudewijn Vermeulen and Joachim Baur. We owe a lot to actor Armin Berger.